
Achievements : Merrymaker

[Merrymaker] : 10 Points (Total 130 Points)
  requires 12 other achievements to be completed.
  Title Reward : Merrymaker

 - during the Feast of Winter Veil -
  Related Post : Feast of Winter Veil

[On Metzen!] - 10 Points
 Quest : [Metzen the Reindeer] をComplete

[Scrooge] - 10 Points
 Cairne BloodhoofにSnowballを投げる。(TB 60,51)

['Tis the Season] - 10 Points
 ・ [Red Winter Hat] or [Green Winter Hat] - Winter Veil Bosses を倒す
 ・ [Red Winter Clothes] or [Green Winter Clothes]
    Craft [Pattern: Red Winter Clothes]
        [Pattern: Green Winter Clothes]
 ・ [Winter Boots] - Craft [Pattern: Winter Boots]
 ・ [Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake] - Quest後にMailで送られてくる

[Simply Abominable] - 10 Points
 Quest : [A Smokywood Pastures' Thank You!] をComplete

[Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's] - 10 Points
 [Mistletoe] をHorde "Brothers"に使う
  ・Brother Malach (UC) - War Quarter
  ・Brother Keltan (Icecrown) - 飛空挺
  ・Durkot Wolfbrother (Warsong Hold) - Stableあたりにいる

[He Knows If You've Been Naughty] - 10 Points
 [A Carefully Wrapped Present] [A Gaily Wrapped Present] [A Gently Shaken Gift]
 [Unique Toy] [A Festive Gift] [A Gently Shaken Gift] [A Ticking Present] [Winter Veil Gift]

[With a Little Helper from My Friends] - 10 Points
 Winter Wondervolt Machineに入りLittle Helperに変身して
 50 Honorable kills。死ぬと変身がとける。

[Fa-la-la-la-Ogri'la] - 10 Points
 [Fresh Holly] or [Preserved Holly] で、FlyingMountをトナカイに変身させ、
 DailyQuest : [Bomb Them Again!] をComplete(BEMのBombQ/要:PreQuest)

[Crashin' & Thrashin'] - 10 Points
 [Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller]を使って

[Let It Snow] - 10 Points
 [Handful of Snowflakes]を該当するPCに使う。
 Orc Death Knight / Tauren Shaman / Undead Rogue / Blood Elf Warlock / Troll Hunter
 Gnome Mage / Human Warrior / Night Elf Druid / Dwarf Paladin / Draenei Priest

[The Winter Veil Gourmet] - 10 Points
 下記のメニューを作る。(要:cooking skill 325)
 [Gingerbread Cookie] - [Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie]
 [Egg Nog] - [Recipe: Egg Nog]
 [Hot Apple Cider] - [Recipe: Hot Apple Cider]
  ※ SmallEgg - EversongWoods/Dragonhawk系からのDrop狙いがオススメ。
   レシピやSpice - OrgAH前にいるVenderから購入できます。
[A Frosty Shake] - 10 Points
 [Winter Veil Disguise Kit] - Quest後にMailで送られてくる。

Related Post : Feast of Winter Veil

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